All posts tagged with Liberty
05/23/2017 / By Martin Mavis

In this podcast, the Health Ranger gives a shout out to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a true American hero on

05/16/2017 / By Martin Mavis

Take action: email or call Sherman County Court today and stop them from spraying our 2,000-acre Organic farm with herbicides…

05/07/2017 / By JD Heyes

In an impactful column earlier this week, Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and a huge advocate for

05/05/2017 / By Gregory Van Dyke

The Health Ranger reveals the real assets that will survive war, revolution, and financial downfall. In his popular podcast series,

04/25/2017 / By donavonc

The Health Ranger reveals why so many people are so utterly incompetent about dealing with reality: They refuse to acknowledge

04/21/2017 / By Martin Mavis

Women all across America are being conned into medically unnecessary breast removal surgery (bilateral mastectomy surgery) by doctors who scare

04/20/2017 / By Martin Mavis

If Trump fails to drain the swamp, it proves once and for all that the system is so deeply corrupted,

04/19/2017 / By Gregory Van Dyke

University students in Canada feel triggered by gravity every time they step on weighing scales. The Health Ranger said that

04/12/2017 / By Martin Mavis

Superfood scientist the Health Ranger explains why Tom Brady’s “miracle” performance and longevity is due to great nutrition. It’s all

04/12/2017 / By Martin Mavis

SATIRE: Not content with just beating its own customers on airplanes, United Airlines is now launching a car rental chain

04/12/2017 / By Martin Mavis

According to lunatic climate change alarmists, climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels in combustion engines and coal-fired power

04/12/2017 / By Martin Mavis

Here’s why liberalism is fundamentally a philosophy of TREASON, not rationality. Stay informed at and Liberalism is a

04/11/2017 / By Martin Mavis

United Airlines violently assaulted its own paid passenger because it wanted the seat back! See the shocking videos at

04/11/2017 / By Martin Mavis

A shocking new study shows that your doctor is WRONG 88% of the time! That’s why second opinions are so